tirsdag den 29. november 2011

More cupcakes!

With nutella! It’s the secret ingredient so sshhh!!

So yeah since I have nothing to do (besides do laundry, clean the living room, clean my room, hoover the floor, wash the floor, work and play playstaion) I made more cupcakes today since the others were a bit of a failure.  This time I made vanilla cupcakes.

And made a butter based chocolate frosting. The frosting was a lot better to work with this time and I had fun trying to shape the frosting, but the tip of the thingy magjier you use to squeeze frosting out of was so small so I ended up only being able to do two patters with it and then a third just using a spoon and added some ... white powdery sugar to make them look snowy 8D

And since Christmas is coming up I thought I might try and be a little creative with the picture.

All that happened randomly. I took a piece of leftover fabric curled it up, added the Christmas tree, the lanterns and the cakes. But I think it looks quite good :)

I also had them tested on a professional to see what she said.

She was pleased!

   ~   All for now   ~

søndag den 27. november 2011

Blueberry cupcakes

So I decided to make cupcakes to celebrate the fact that I’m for once not at work and I get to sleep long tomorrow!!
I found the receipt for the cupcakes at on the web while being bored at work today and they are quite delicious tbh xD Very chocolatey <3

Look at them and be very jealous!!!

 The icing was a different story to some point… I did find the receipt on the net, but it wasn’t very delicious at all. It’s alright, but not very sweet and a bit sour because of the cream cheese. That and it ended up being too liquidy.
Look at them and don't be very jealous
    ~   I guess that's all for now    ~

torsdag den 17. november 2011

J-popcon and work

I already did a Deviantart journal about J-popcon so I’ll keep this very short.
It was wonderful to see everyone again and to learn to know some people a little better.

Now that I’m home again and December and Christmas are closing in, I have a lot more work. And I already have more work due my promotion and I didn’t really think that would happen until late December, but it already started today actually. And there is so much to keep track of all the time! I’m still learning at Gamestop and now I need to learn and remember more and new things at the hotel as well!
But I don’t really mind, it is a bit stressful, but I get more hours and more responsibility so I feel like a proper adult! :D
It’s a wonderful feeling. I’m even having double shifts some days :D I’m probably gonna bitch about it later, but now the feeling of finally have a lot of work is wonderful!
   ~  All for now   ~

mandag den 31. oktober 2011

Poo cake and Chill Factor

I celebrated Halloween this year by baking a cake. I was going to do a Halloweeny motive on it, like a pumkin or something. But the cake in itself turned out to be really scary.
It looks like poo!!

But the gods didn't invent chocolate for no reason so I melted some and used it as icing.

There much better now. Despite that it looks quite delicious it wasn't. It was just like normal cake really (there was with the icing included 400kilo grams of chocolate in it). But yeah it was my way of celebrating Halloween since I forgot to buy a movie.(;__;)
By the way. The book in the background... Go read it! It's fantastic!
I bought the book at the library a few weeks ago and just had it lying around collecting dust. Then I finally pulled myself together and started reading it. And it became very difficult to put the book down.
I loved it! It’s simply amazing. It’s so very well written and it has you on edge all the time. The suspense is perfectly leveled throughout the book, from the start to finish. It is also very well divided between a thriller and a romance novel. There is exactly enough of both without them cancelling each other out.
I was very surprised to who the killer turned out to be. There were a lot of hints to one specific character, but also a few hints pointed to one or two others and it came as a big surprise when the person was reviled and the motives behind the murders.
I think my favorite part of the book is the characters and they way their presumably insignificant lives are entwined with the main plot, from Marilee and Scott’s secret affair to William’s sick way of gathering gossip and then use it against people when it will do most damage, to the way Wes’ arrogant, selfish and controlling behavior affects the ones around him.
Another factor that makes the book such a delight to read (and also helped me, since English isn’t my first language) is who all the ends are tied together and made sense of in the end. It leaves the reader with a feeling of really completing the book and not having missed any important details along the way.
All in all a fantastic book and I will recommend it to anyone who is just looking for a book to read when you’re on the train or just sitting with nothing better to do. It’s not a must read, but you won’t regret it if you choose to pick it up.

tirsdag den 25. oktober 2011


So I decided to make a short introduction entry (right after I did the one with the circle lenses, herp derp).
To be honest, don’t expect too much of this blog. I will make updates on my cosplays, general things/personal life and book reviews. Yes I know it’s a lame hobby, but I have too much free time lately and I lack the recourses and money to make cosplays on my own. So I talked to a friend about it and we came to a conclusion that something like reading and writing would be a nice pass time for me since I enjoy both.
So far I’ve read two books with the intention of making reviews of them. It was reduced to one since the first book just made me very confused and I didn’t really have anything to say about it.
So I have made a draft for the first review and I just need to make it readable and fix the mistakes I can notice myself.
Please bear in mind that I’m not good at making reviews and even got awful grades for it in school. But hopefully I will get better in time.
So sometime this week I will try and upload the first review.
 ~ All for now ~

mandag den 24. oktober 2011

Dolly Eye circle lenses review

So I just got my new lenses from the post office today so I quickly tried them on and took some pictures of it.
The package contained of course the lenses (packed in the cutest box ever!) and a lense case. It also had a Red Wine Watery Collagen Eye Mask, a very cool pair of alternative hairpins as well as a very cute card thanking me for purchasing from them.

The lenses are amazing! It's such a wonderful colour!
This was the first time I have tried circle lenses and it wasn't very difficult at all. In fact they were easier to apply than normal lenses, although they took a little longer to get used to, but once I had gotten used to them they didn't bother me at all.
The colour is as mentioned wonderful and covers my natural colour perfectly. Here is a picture with me wearing just one to show the difference.
I will definalty buy from http://www.shoppingholics.com/ again and will recommend it to anyone who wants to buy circle lenses. The shipping is very fast and the quality is great! And the two little gifts and the card is just a very cute bonus to make one smile when one opens the package.

  ~ All for now ~

P.S. Sorry for the low quality pictures and ridiculous poses!